I hate to tell you this, because I know how smart you are, but if you’re like most Design Lovers, you have very possibly bought into the misperception that Decorating is fast. Or easy…but that’s another discussion.
Let’s stick to this speed thing and ask the question: How long does it take to complete a decorating project?
I recently posted a photograph in a private Facebook group I run for a group of Design Lovers, just like you. It was an image of a beautiful room I designed and that is posted on Houzz like much of my portfolio.
In my post, I asked everyone how long they thought the room took to design/create. I made the question broader still and asked this: “Picture the average living room that you love on Pinterest, Houzz, a design magazine or most HGTV shows: How long do you think it took to design and execute that “average” living room?”
To clarify, by design I mean: developing the concept, then sourcing all of the furnishings and appointments, window treatments, etc., getting it all delivered and totally styled out down to the last lamp and accessory. You try taking a guess…and to make it easy let’s assume paint, not paper for the walls.
What do you think…how many hours, days or months until it’s fully installed and styled out JUST like you see in those images on Pinterest that capture your attention??
As you consider your answer, I’ll share that most people answered 2 months. Some answered as little as 6 weeks, others gave a range of 2-3 months.
Ready check time so sit down my lovely and we will have that important Design Birds and Bees Talk.
It takes 3 months on average just for the furniture to get produced, freighted in and delivered to its final destination! Longer if there are backorders!
Now add the hours and hours of designing (called Design Development) and finding the items (called Sourcing); ordering everything (called Procurement) and expediting. Design professionals by nature are fast, so a good one can complete this in 4-5 weeks. BUT – then add in the client who has to review and approve things, request changes and reselections add in another 4 weeks for a SUPER EFFICIENT client. More if the client has trouble making a decision, but let’s assume the client is a peach.
When you calculate all of the above, and assuming that NO fabrics or furniture backorder and you’re looking at 5 months. 5 long months!
Long? Yes. Totally worth the wait? It is if you want a room that looks like a room from Pinterest, Houzz or Fill-In-The-Blank Design magazine.
Design being “fast” is one of the great myths the Design Loving public has bought into and if you chase that mirage, you will cause yourself untold stress.
Oh, and you there, in the back of the room with your hand raised: NO… it never takes 30 minutes like you see on the fun HGTV shows! J