“Into every life, some rain must fall.” My mom used to say that. She was right. Loss, stress, illness, family matters, divorce: they hit when you least want or expect it. Worse still, those challenging cycles tend to last longer than you wish they would (Like…more than 30 seconds).
So, if you’re stressing or hurting – along with a hug – I’m sending you these 5 Design Tips (yes…design) to help you create even a whiff of sanctuary in your home. We’re going to hit…your nightstand:
Clear your nightstand of everything except your lamp and alarm clock and these items as well:
- A framed photo of you with some people you really love (your children or grandchildren, your spouse, your bff). Pick people you love and who love you. This is your reminder of the love in your life.
- A framed photo of you alone – looking strong and fabulous. This is your reminder of how strong you are…and that you will get through this and rise again.
- Fresh flowers. I read once that people who have fresh flowers on their nightstand feel more refreshed when they awaken. I also read that flowers have an angelic quality in the plant kingdom. Is any of this true? Who knows? But putting something naturally beautiful near that beautiful head of yours during times of stress can’t hurt. The most economical way to do that? Buy an orchid, usually priced between $9.99-$16.99. It will bloom for 6+ weeks if you water it right (3 ice cubes only, 1x/week!). By giving yourself something beautiful to look at upon waking and just before setting, you give yourself the powerful reminder that things want to grow and live, and that even on a cloudy day, there’s still beauty around you.
- Add some talisman or reminder of your connection to spirit – for you that may be Divinity, or maybe it’s to someone you lost. Maybe it’s a bible. Maybe it’s a figurine. For me – it’s a blue jay feather that I found in our yard last summer. It’s a private reminder of my connection to the mother I adored and lost.
- Banish all electronics like cell phones, smart devices and computers. Banish all clutter, paperwork, to-do lists and bills. They are noise…not restorative.
These simple steps are easy but powerful because you are deliberately placing items near you that are at once meaningful AND beautiful. When you raise the aesthetic in a room, the people in that room feel and function better.
Things will get better. One day. They will change. And I’m cheering for you until they do. xo