Lists are the wind that gets anything moving in design – or life. We are big list lovers here!
To help you create that great-looking home and life you’re after, enjoy this month Decorating Savvy Checklist: Select even one of the actions you can take THIS month to make immediate improvements to your nest and life!
- Select the room that drives you crazy and resolve to refresh, refinish, repaint or replace just one piece of furniture in it…then rearrange the furniture (one more time!) for a fresh feel.
- Purchase new toss pillows for the room that’s driving you crazy – or 1 other space for a quick refresher this month.
- Pick and plan any design project you need completed by end of summer…plan to lose some focus in July/August, so starting now counts.
- Hit a flea market to discover 1 great find that you’ll take home to repaint and turn into a WOW piece. (Maybe…for the room that’s driving you crazy!)
- Throw away all and any dried flower arrangements. They are dust catchers and are a true downer in a room. Replace them with live green plants, freeze dried evergreens or – a pretty new accessory.
As ever Design Lovers, savvy changes bring great rewards. Pick even just 1 of the ideas above to get moving…and watch wonderful things happen at your place!