Holy cow, it’s December already! (Don’t we say that ever year?) Well, happy December!
Sure, nobody’s got the bandwidth to start a major design project right now, but to help you on your “beautiful home quest,” select even one of the actions you can take THIS month to make immediate improvements to your nest and life!
- Put out the holiday decorations if you haven’t done that yet! Break it into phases to keep it manageable, best done by creating a list and schedule
- Re-arrange 1 bookcase or open shelving area for a quick facelift: Step 1: Empty all content. Step 2: Eliminate ¼ of the items that were there. Step 3: Restyle with fresh eyes and leave more empty space. For the energetic and daring: paint the back of the bookcase black – or a splash color from your room. (Or use a wallpaper.)
- Fill silver bowls with pinecones, green moss or evergreens and display around your home for “instant winter holiday” luxe without a high florist bill. Feel free to mix in a few round Christmas ball ornaments but stick to a single color for uber elegance.
- Treat yourself to some new decorative candles and light one every night this month as you prepare and eat dinner as a little extra treat.
- Schedule a time to reflect and bless your home. It’s been a full year of Pinterest pinning, HGTV watching and wishing, blog and magazine reading. Inspiration images do inspire, but they can also make us lose sight of all that IS working in our homes, starting with the gift of having a roof over our heads and a warm bed in which to sleep. This month…
- Say a prayer of thanks and open your eyes to appreciate the beauty that is your home.
- Then, say a prayer for those in need.
- Then, send a check to a homeless shelter or food pantry.
Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza…and 2017! XOX, Donna
(As ever even small but savvy changes bring great rewards. Pick just 1 of the ideas above to get moving…and watch wonderful things happen at your place!)