I hate to be the barer of bad news.
So happily for me, today I get to be the barer of good news!!!
When it comes decorating & design, you are SUPER normal if color makes you nuts. In fact, you have tons of company!
Whether you stress out from picking wall paint colors or whether you start reaching for the Advil (or pinot) after trying to map out a total room color plan – furnishings, fabrics, floors, walls. Sistah…you are NOR-MAL.
Here’s how I know.
I have the fabulous privilege of offering on-line design workshops. We don’t charge for them so we usually have over a thousand Design Lovers sign up; people from across the US, Canada and sometimes the UK! It’s a great time. During the workshop to connect even more with my attendees, (my peeps!), I run a few surveys that show real time results for everyone in the design workshop.
Here are the shocking and consistent findings EVERY SINGLE time I ask about color confusion and design stress:
On average, 27-37% of Design Lovers respond that they find picking out wall color really stressful. That’s roughly a third of you!
But there’s more. Another group – 50% on average – self identify that they find the entire design process stressful, to include color selection. 50%!
So here’s where it gets scary.
To completely quantify color confusion, take the 50%-group of total design overwhelmers who identify color selection as part of their challenge, and now add them to the group of design lovers that say only picking out color makes them stressed.
That means that 77%-87% of Design Lovers struggle with color!
The bad news is that you may be design stressed on color… but the good news is you’re normal.
Leave a comment below: On a 1-10 Scale, with 10 being “Great” rate your color confidence.