Whether you love Jimmy Kimmel like I do or think he’s better on mute, you have to admit that you can take a great design cue or two from these beautifully designed bathrooms in the home he’s just put up on the market. Way to go, Jimmy…or way to go, Jimmy’s designer! As a side note, if you can pony up $2.3 million, you too can own these exact bathrooms, along with the house that’s attached to them. But first, on to our design lesson. From Jimmy Kimmel.
The Blue Bath
Cue #1: The Power of One vs The Many. One color. One single tile. But broadcast it over a large surface area in a continuous sweep and that’s all you need to make an exciting impact.

Cue #2. Iridescence Remains A Hot Trend in Tile. Yes it does and no wonder……look at it!
The Soaking Alcove
Cue #3. Standing Tubs Are Hot Looking & Do Best With Some Space. The Standing Tub Trend continues strong. Thanks to their marvelous sculptural appeal, they add immediate impact. Note to Design Lovers: Standing tubs are easiest to live with if you have sufficient space around them for cleaning. (You don’t need ALL of Jimmy’s space, but 6” all around does make life easier.)
Cue #4. Smart Looking Lighting Fixtures in the Bath Add Instant Pinache. They don’t need to cost a fortune, but hey, they can if you want. (I’m in if you are). Be warned though that the inspector will not want it installed directly over a tub – which is why Jimmy’s is placed just behind it

Images copyright Karen Misraje/Partners Trust Realty
About Donna Hoffman, The Interior Design Advocate™
Donna is a former top QVC Show Host and now one of the country’s foremost consumer advocates in interior design in addition to being an award winning designer herself. “I help people avoid wasting big dollars and unnecessary frustration when furnishing and decorating their home by offering clear strategies for finding the right products, professionals, contractors and services.” The results are that people get what they want, spend smart, eliminate the stress and get that beautiful home of their dreams. Known as The Interior Design Advocate™, Donna is here as your advocate, making sure you get wise in design so you can get what you want. For more information, go to www.theinteriordesignadvocate.com.