To determine the best/worst time to dive into your next decorating project do yourself a favor: DO NOT buy the DIY lie that decorating is a snap, low cost or super-fast. It’s none of those things.
It’s wonderful, yes. But it’s not easy, fast, or low cost.
The best way to determine when to start your next design project is by following 3 Steps:
Step 1: Calculate your preferred end date
For a single room, total “re-do,” allow 3-4 months, IF you are good and fast. Most furniture stores quote 8-10 weeks to deliver your furniture…so that’s 2 months of the 3-4 I projected just for your furniture to be fabricated.
For bigger projects like renovations, allow more time, but ask your subcontractor during the interview. They can guide you well here. For a smaller room refresh type of project, allow a little less than 3-4 months…more like 2-3.
Either way, get out a calendar and mark your target start and completion dates. The calendar doesn’t lie.
Step 2: Check your funds
Now that you have a realistic time frame isolated, check your projected and hopefully researched project budget against your cash reserves. For renovation projects, set aside the extra recommended 10-17% for unexpected project overages. If you’re financing your renovation or new build, get your loan paperwork competed.
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Visit the link below to learn more about Donna Hoffman and her passion for design.
Learn MoreStep 3: Check your personal bandwidth
So, you know your target start and completion date and you’ve checked that your funds are adequate and all ready to go. Next, you must do an honest assessment of your personal bandwidth.
Design isn’t easy, fast or low cost. You need to make sure you have the personal wear-with-all to handle a detailed design project right now. It may not be ideal timing to start a decorating project if:
- You’re in a crazy busy cycle at work or about to head into one.
- Your marriage is in trouble or you’re just coming off a divorce and feel emotionally drained.
- You’re handling a family crisis and are feeling torn in many directions.
- You’re getting over a health crisis and aren’t 100% full force yet.
Ignore any of the personal issues above and you’ll risk having your project stall half way through or shortly after it starts. It’s a lousy feeling and one you want to avoid.
Design requires time, focus, decision making, action, funds and a cool head.
Give it these things and you’re golden and ready to take glorious flight. If you’re not ready to be “all in,” it is always better to delay until the timing is more ideally suited to where life finds you at the moment.
The Decorating Genius System can help turn your dream home into a reality. We offer clear, strategic, and simple steps for you to follow. You can also contact The Interior Design Advocate at customerservice@theinteriordesignadvocate.com.