OK – so think given the over-the-top fashion choices of this celebrity, you may expect over-the-top interior design by way of lots of ornamentation. But instead, this gal (first hint) opts for restraint but quirky in her NY apartment (2nd hint).

Minimalist with interesting juxtaposition of the rough and organic pottery next to an abstract oil painting and atop an ornate neo-baroque fireplace surround.

Not into window treatments and has time to dust her dinner wear. Likes very sleek, strong lines. Not into color. A theme she “carries” (3rd hint) throughout the apartment.

She is still not into window treatments, still liking her black and white minimalist approach, still opting for art as the color in the room and still going for “quirky combos” (4th hint) by way of a pairing this plush tufted sofa (that looks like Hickory Chair’s Kent sofa…not a hint) which sits coolly next to rustic-yet-quirky wooden dowel chairs. Still, this is the master bedroom, no doubt the scene of some late night Sex In The City (last hit-you-over-the-head hint.)
Who’s apartment is this? Leave a comment below if you think you know.
About Donna Hoffman, The Interior Design Advocate™
Author of the popular home design system, The Decorating Genius System – 7 Simple Steps to a Great Interior, Donna is the country’s foremost consumer advocates in interior design in addition to being an award winning designer herself. “Using my design systems and strategies, I help people eliminate “decorating struggles, frustration and spending mistakes” so you can get fabulous results when decorating your own home, or hiring the right contractors.” The results are people get that more beautiful home, spend smarter and finally eliminate decorating stress. A former QVC show host and now known as The Interior Design Advocate™, Donna is here as your advocate, making sure you get wise in design so you can get what you want. For more information or to get your copy of the video series, The Decorating Genius System – 7 Simple Steps to a Great Interior, go to www.TheInteriorDesignAdvocate.com.