Hey Decorating Lovers, how’s your holiday excitement? I hope it’s high! This will add to the fa-la-la and fun!
Ready for a very cool new decorating app that’s going to be a game changer for your decorating projects? Cost is…el-zilcho! It’s free!

It’s called Like that Décor. I was among a tiny group of national design colleagues, like Amanda Nisbet, Celerie Kemble and Tobi Fairley, invited to beta test it. I’ve been ITCHING to talk about it and, since it just launched to the public, now I can!
Like That Décor uses a cool, patented “visual search technology.” It allows you to simply take a photo of, let’s say, a lamp or a chair you like. Once you snap it live (like in a hotel!), or from a social or shopping website, presto, you get a list of stores and brands that make something that looks just like it! You can even browse the Like that Décor gallery and get instant access to similar pieces…and the manufacturer or store where you’ll find it.
At a restaurant and see a cool table? Snap it! On a dream trip and see a sofa or rug you love? Grab a photo and let Like that Décor do the hunting.
What an exciting and efficient way for Decorating Lovers to amp up their projects. Now you can find and gain access to thousands of images and furnishings. You can find products from thousands of familiar brands like AllModern, Way Fair, West Elm, Crate & Barrel, Restoration Hardware, etc.
Talk about turning wish photos into decorating reality! And think of the time & stress it saves (more time for sitting around eating bon-bons?!?)…
You can download this no-cost app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
So that’s my holiday gift to you, Decorating Loving friend. May your holidays be sweet and bright, and may 2015 be filled to the brim with everything that makes your happiest…to include more beauty in your home to match the beauty in your heart!
About Donna Hoffman, The Interior Design Advocate™
Author of the popular home design system, The Decorating Genius System – 7 Simple Steps to a Great Interior, Donna is the country’s foremost consumer advocates in interior design in addition to being an award winning designer herself. “Using my design systems and strategies, I help people eliminate “decorating struggles, frustration and spending mistakes” so you can get fabulous results when decorating your own home, or hiring the right contractors.” The results are people get that more beautiful home, spend smarter and finally eliminate decorating stress. A former QVC show host and now known as The Interior Design Advocate™, Donna is here as your advocate, making sure you get wise in design so you can get what you want. For more information or to get your copy of the video series, The Decorating Genius System – 7 Simple Steps to a Great Interior, go to www.TheInteriorDesignAdvocate.com.