There was a scary statistic released last year in a survey. (You’re gonna need some dark chocolate for this one!)
An overwhelming 98% of design lovers reported being dissatisfied with their homes decor. 98%!!!
It gets worse. When that same 98% was asked if they thought they were at least on track to getting it right, 1 in 2 people said… No! (How much wasted time and money does that translate into do you think?)
What’s going on? Seriously. With all the Pinterest Pinning going on and all that idea board making, and all the HGTV, watching? Don’t forget time spent reading favorite design blogs with their profusion of ideal length blog posts (300-500 words if you were wondering!). What gives? Why aren’t people satisfied, loving their results? Why the confusion and dissatisfaction in light of this ENDLESS stream of free ideas?
What do you think the problem is? I am really excited and curious to hear your ideas and thoughts. Please post a comment below.
In the meantime, here’s what I think… (to be continued in Part II so I don’t influence your responses….)