I am going to put it right out there: I am a huge fan of using tile.
Many clients hesitate when I suggest it. Immediately a look of apprehension clouds their expression, and I can literally see traumatic memories pass through their psyche—they are instantly transported back through time to their grandmother’s powder room, where square mauve tiles provide the lack-luster backdrop for seafoam green hand towels.
Take 3 deep breaths and let those memories drift into the ether for WE HAVE EVOLVED, FOLKS! In these modern times, tile has become the equivalent to Dorothy’s ruby slippers: the quintessential accessory. I beseech you, add this crown jewel to the gorgeous ensemble that you have curated, and you will thank me—there’s no place like home, indeed!
In the words of any taste-maker’s muse, Coco Chanel exclaimed, “Adornment, what a science!” There *is* a science when specifying tile to ensure the desired outcome. In order to guarantee that magic, check out my 7 innovative ways to use tile below:

Interesting Lay In
Who says we have to play it straight??? Shake up the system! Simply installing a subway tile in a herringbone pattern or switching a normally horizontal tile into a vertical orientation, can completely re-vamp your look. Opt for interesting!
Colored Grout
The tile itself does not always need to be the statement. Just as you would drape that irresistible final sparkle about your neck in order to set a simple black dress on FIRE or add a dapper pocket square to polish off the finest of suits, the tile grout can be the PERFECT accessory! Check out the dramatic difference that using a colored grout can make with the simplest of tile. You can offer soft serenity or accentuated, bold form by a quick switch in grout color!

Dare to Go BOLD on a Floor!
Have a high traffic area and dread the constant upkeep or expense of new rugs? Don’t forfeit the eye candy in favor of function! Maintain your high-end aesthetic….while keeping Cinderella happy. Feast your eyes on the impact a bold tile floor can make in an otherwise simple space!

Add a Framed Accent
Offer the unexpected and add a little “artwork” by way of tile installation. Find that showstopper and frame it out for a glorious result that is sure to be an eye-catching conversation piece.

Tile the Inside of Back of a Bar
Adorning the back of a bar with tile is a no-brainer. I am not claiming to have reinvented the wheel in this case, but I only ask that you STRETCH your normal vision of what is possible! Choose your tile with the intention of complimenting the many facets that a bar has to offer. Allow the tile to be the functional yet sexy foundation on which the show gals can DANCE! Extravagant amounts of glitz and glam packed into one tiny space—that is a bat of an eyelash that one will not soon forget!

Add a Flourish to you Stair Risers
Indoors or out, adding some color to your stair risers is one way to bring an added punch of playful intrigue and pizzaz to any space! The walls and surrounding elements can remain relaxingly quiet while the stairs do the talking.

Accent Wall…(s)
As the great Van Day Truex once said, “Interiors speak! Rooms emphasize whether one exists or LIVES, and there is a great difference between the two!” I am certain you have all seen a tile used as an accent wall before…but now is the time to go big or go home. The options are endless, and depending on selection, the impact can be STUPENDOUS!!! Live a little! Carpe Diem!