Ah, the power of the To-Do list. It sure keeps you focused, on task and honest!
To help you create that great-looking home and life you’re after, each month I provide a month-appropriate Decorating Savvy Checklist. Select even one of the actions you can take THIS month to make immediate improvements to your nest and life!
- Pick and plan any major design project that absolutely must be completed by Halloween.
- Paint the front door with a fresh coat of paint for an instant refresher.
- Everyday dishes and glassware are in your life…3x a day. (…more if you’re a snacker like we are!!) This month, freshen your daily routine with new glassware, new dishes, or both. Donate the mismatched, scratched or half-sets to someone who could use them.
- Place a large bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter as a color accent and fresh, cheery note. The bigger the better!
- Instant redecorating refresher idea: Pick 2 rooms and swap accessories between them. It’s amazing to see how great and different items look and feel in their new location. Turn on some tunes and grab some tea…(or wine…) and have at it!
As ever Design Lovers, savvy changes bring great rewards. Pick even just 1 of the ideas above to get moving…and watch wonderful things happen at your place!