My dears, you probably know by now that I’m all about the 11th Commandment in Design: Be Wise in Design. And the 12th, which is Respect and Control the Budget (no matter the size).
Enter the Design Life question: To reupholster or to replace new? Is reupholstering the lower cost or wiser route?
In pure dollars, maybe yes, maybe no. But there are a few soft-cost questions to answer as well as some sideline coaching:
Before you re-upholster something or toss it – consider these questions before you make your move:
Can this piece be purchased new more inexpensively?
If f you’re talking about a Kravet sofa frame: more costly to purchase new. Better to reupholster.
Is the frame worth keeping & reinvesting in?
If it’s a low cost frame, in a high traffic area, it may be a bad design move to reinvest. Better not to reupholster.
Does this frame have value (sentimental or otherwise) because of whom it belonged to or where it came from?
In design, your heart must be heard: it’s meaningful to you, I vote re-upholster and keep.
Do I want to spare the landfill?
This is never a bad move.
In my private design work, I manage budgets that range from ample to absolutely massive with the occasional stressed-pressed budget. No matter, because my philosophy in design remains the same: Be wise in design and always respectfully, prudently and strategically control that budget.
Maximize the spend; maximize the result.