My husband’s grandmother was a big list maker. Unfortunately, I only knew her for a few short years after we married. She was adorable and made a to-do list each night before she went to bed. As the story goes, her lists would always begin with the same item #1: Wake up! (So cute, right?)
Well, Grandma Rose and I share list loving!
To help you create that great-looking home and life you’re after, enjoy this month Decorating Savvy Checklist: Select even one of the actions you can take THIS month to make immediate improvements to your nest and life!
- Pick and plan any design project that must be completed by June. Now’s the time to start.
- Spring clean the kitchen! Vow to reduce the contents of every drawer and cabinet so some things can be moved off the counters into storage. (How many colanders do you really need?) Give away the excess booty to someone who can use it.
- Pick up a copy of Marie Kondo’s bestselling book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
- Replace kitchen cabinet hardware if budget allows. If not, wash down cabinets to freshen them up.
- Buy new kitchen towels and oven mitts and toss all old, burnt and stained ones.
As ever Design Lovers, savvy changes bring great rewards. Pick even just 1 of the ideas above to get moving…and watch wonderful things happen at your place!