A colleague once told me that fifteen minutes spent planning can save you an hour of execution time. I’ve found that this is especially true when it comes to design! Carefully planning each step of your design project helps assure you’ll make the best use of your time, money, and resources!
To help get you one step closer to our most perfectly beautiful home, enjoy this month’s Decorating Savvy Checklist. Select even just one of the actions below to make immediate improvements to your nest and life!
- Select the room that drives you crazy and resolve to refresh, refinish, repaint or replace just one piece of furniture in it…then rearrange the furniture (one more time!) for a totally fresh feel.
- Step back from that newly rearranged room and review it to select just 1 item you plan to replace. If funds are short now, start a savings plan so next year at the time, it’s a done deal. (Baby steps!!)
- With the sun setting earlier, maximize indoor light by replacing outdated lamps or lamp shades. If the budget allows, splurge on a new floor lamp to place next to your favorite chair to create a cozy reading nook!
- Sand and dirt tracked in throughout the summer can be hard on floors. Now’s the ideal time to have carpets professionally cleaned – an instant lift.
- Design Timing Alert! Start any decorating project that must be done by Christmas / New Years. (You’re almost too late for a Christmas delivery…so ask about lead times before you order!)
Small, savvy changes bring great rewards. Pick even just 1 of the ideas above, to get moving…and watch wonderful things happen at your place!