Ever hear the expression “the accessories make the outfit?” Well my dear, do not ever underestimate the power of the accessory to make the room. Somebody should make up a saying about that one!
But the all too common problem is this: As Design Lovers buzz along in a decorating project, so few remember to preserve precious budget for accessories. Bad move. You’ll never be satisfied – let alone thrilled – with your end result if you haven’t accessorized your spaces.
Take a look at this dining room shot on my iPhone. It shows a room that DOES have all of its final furnishings in it and even the artwork is hung. YET, without the final step of adding appropriately scaled accessories to tie it all together, the room just didn’t come together; it didn’t sing. In fact, If you want a surefire recipe to make sure that a room you’re working on falls flat, don’t accessorize it!

And by the way, all those images you’re loving on Pinterest and Houzz and in every great design magazine out there? Guess what…those spaces are all accessorized.
Take a look at the room once it was accessorized. Big difference.

Your solution: Try to remember to save a portion of your design budget for accessories. Earmark more than you think you’ll need because accessories for a room in total can add up faster than you think. But you will love the end result that comes together when you put the most important finishing touch on the room – accessories. “Accessories make the room.” Who said that? Oh…I did.