Wallpaper has been used throughout history to beautifully cover home interiors, but have you thought about using wallpaper as artwork? On my recent trip to Paris for an interior design trade show, I stopped off at one of the most popular flea markets in town, Vanves. I found some great vintage wallpaper samples and, in…
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You’ll love these antique mural renderings we found at the famous Vanves Flea Market in Paris! In this video, I talk with a fine art dealer Gerard Hans, who sells these one-of-a-kind works from as far back as the 1800’s. The renderings are created first so that the artist can visualize what will be placed…
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Flea markets are great for finding unusual furniture and accessories. Here at the flea market at Clingnancourt, I’ve found some gorgeous items that you might not necessarily put together, but would look great as a pair. Check out my video for some great design ideas.
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If you’ve read my blog in the past few months, you’ll know that I’ve recently returned from Paris and the Maison et Objet interior design trade show. I was lucky to visit the famous Clingnancourt flea market during this trip, where the best interior designers purchase vintage furniture, clothing and antiquities. One of the most…
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If you missed my trend report on Maison & Objet, click here to read Part I: Design Trend Spotting from Maison & Objet September 2015. Maison & Objet, literally translated Home & Object takes place twice annually in Paris. In Part I of this 2 part series I outlined the key trends, both emerging and…
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You know how most of us imagine that the French, particularly the Parisians, really have it together? Well I’m here to tell you: they do. These people look great; these people sound great. Then, in stark contrast, there was me. On my recent trip to Paris to attend an interior design trade show, though I…
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Tamara Barrage Maison et Objet, the show of shows here in the interior design world happens twice annually in Paris. This show is considered one of interior design’s epicenters. It’s the place to spot new trend seeds and track the movement of the developing trends. The show is massive, with exhibit halls spanning a few…
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In our last post, I took you through some of the train wrecks I’ve seen clients endure when it comes to hiring the wrong subcontractor. Here’s the rest of that important list that will allow you to interview and vet more wisely: 6. My crew and I smoke and will bring that smell into…
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OK, people. It’s heart to heart time. Without question, the vast majority of subcontractors I work with on projects in which clients source their own teams, are wonderful, dedicated, talented people. But it only takes one good solid train wreck to leave a client in tears or worse, out of pocket on $. Here’s a…
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Let’s say you’re in a groove on your decorating project – got the budget all set, have your eye on a sofa you love….then all of a sudden something stops you or slows you down. How do you get out of it and into the beautiful room that you’ll love? Watch this…
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