With the “Fiscal Cliff” occupying the news headlines, I thought it would be timely to talk about another cliff: The Interior Design Cliff. Take it from The Interior Design Advocate™, I talk to a lot of people each year who are about to, with wallet in hand, careen off the edge. Tips To Avoid the…
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“But what will it cost?” The question arrives on schedule from the apprehensive-yet-eager people sitting across from me in an early design meeting. They want guidance. And good news. “But what will all of the furnishings in the room cost?” They want to know and I want to tell them. Sure, I can rattle off…
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Coming Next Month: Secrets to Hire The Right Subcontractor (And what to do if you didn’t!)
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Month #1: Featured Content Smart Ways to Use Design Trends [mejsvideo id=”” mp4=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/TIDA/Month+1/month-1-feature-content-smart-ways-to-use-design-trends.mp4″ webm=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/TIDA/Month+1/month-1-feature-content-smart-ways-to-use-design-trends.webm” preload=”true” poster=”http://theinteriordesignadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/poster1.png” fullscreen=”false” width=”550″ height=”313″] Month #1: Spotlight Furniture & Retailer Resource List Here is a great resource. It’s a .pdf file that you can open and save for future use, over and over again. Month #1 Spotlight –…
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For all you catalog and internet furniture shoppers, and DIYers! Here’s a short list of key measurements that make the difference between a room that flows, looks and feels great, to one that is overstuffed and cramped or just off kilter. 4-6” – the ideal height above a dresser or table at which to hang…
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The latest findings show that people put off renovating so long that now there’s pent up demand. If you’re on a budget, where do you draw the line? If you’re looking around seeing things that need to be done, take a breath. Yes, you want value and long lasting quality, but where can you compromise?…
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Why ask silly questions? Of course (eventually) home will follow: Fashion Trends and Home Design Trends are the equivalent of the Homecoming King & Queen. They go hand in hand to the prom; 2 peas in a pod. Here’s a quick look at the just-spotted emerging color trend from NY’s Fashion Week. Keep an eye…
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Hi, there, in my last post, “Is Your Design Budget Too Small?” I told the story of a couple who ran into problems with their budget when designing their kitchen. Below are the most important takeaways from that story: Set aside enough budget to hire your designer so you can let them do you their…
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This is the story of a most lovely young couple who hired a designer to design their family room as well as give their kitchen a “small facelift.” Though their budget was pressed from the start given their total job scope, the couple continually increased the size of their project as new thoughts struck on…
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New homeowners are generally stunned by the real costs involved in furnishing and filling that new home. Why shouldn’t they be? How many rooms does the average, “normal person” (aka a non-designer) actually have experience furnishing and designing? 5? Maybe 9? To put that into perspective and by contrast, as a quick count on my…
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