OK TIDA peeps, I’m taking you behind the scenes of industry leading wallpaper restoration group, Antoinette Poisson, based in Paris. The reason I look like the cat who ate the mouse is because I just saw what they were up to inside! Come take a look. Here’s a 17th century paper being restored as an art…
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For most, the term “man-cave” elicits thoughts of dark colors and over-sized leather upholstery. This month, we drew inspiration from one of the most stylish men of fiction, Don Draper, to help us prove that a man cave can be masculine without looking like a college dorm room. To start, we selected a grey tailored…
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Hi Donna, Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing your design expertise. Your work is magnificent, so classy! I enjoy reading your Design Wise emails and watching your design advocate videos. I just love the color of the paint in your living room. It is so warm and elegant. Would you share the color? Warm…
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My husband’s grandmother was a big list maker. Unfortunately, I only knew her for a few short years after we married. She was adorable and made a to-do list each night before she went to bed. As the story goes, her lists would always begin with the same item #1: Wake up! (So cute, right?)…
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Ripples, puckers, lumps and bumps. No, I’m not describing my rear end view. (Though Girl…we could talk!!!) No, I’m talking about cheap furniture: furniture that is “the deal of the century” – furniture that is so low cost that it seems too good to be true. Guess what: if it look too good to be…
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Sexy and stylish, the femme fatale has been dazzling viewers on the silver screen for decades. Many people see their dining room as a chance to add some major drama to their home, and what’s more dramatic than an old Hollywood movie heroine? This month, we combined traditional silhouettes with dark and glamorous details to…
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Ever pull a long day at the office? I am now! In fact, my whole team and I are getting punchy. Make that loopy. We were just brain storming about the great way fabulously designed rooms make people feel and what the IDEAL comment you secretly hope you hear when someone sees a room you…
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I love how lists keep us on track here at my design studio. I’m also a big list maker in life. (So is my college age daughter!!) Lists are super but simple tools that really help make things happen in your life. So as your design advocate and in order to help you create that…
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We are all about lists here in our design studio…and like so many people I am in my personal life too! To do lists help us sleep at night, remember to hit every appropriate mark, and they’re super power tools for getting things moving, done…and checked off! Each month, I’m going to help you get…
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Want to travel halfway around the world without leaving the warmth of your covers? This month, we mixed eclectic decor with comfortable elegance to create a Moroccan Glam Bedroom that will transport you to a faraway land…No passport needed! We set the scene with a queen-sized bed upholstered in soft grey velvet. Behind the bed’s…
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